He Didn’t Have to Die

Ok *deep breath* This post is gonna make you mad. If you believe me, you will be mad about what I’m about to say. If you don’t, you will be mad that I said it, but I’m sorry, now that I know it, I can’t not say it. Disclaimer: I do not hate policemen, but... Continue Reading →

How to Fast: God’s Way

Isaiah 58 changed my life and understanding of what God wants from His people. It begins with God telling Isaiah to tell His people to “Cry our full-throated and unsparingly...tell them their wickedness and the House of Jacob their sins.” He is not mincing words here. They listen, they cry out and ask Him, “Why... Continue Reading →


As Quarantine began, the community led by Catholic Creatives exploded with innovators inspired to help others through their struggles. We faced our own giants of fear and trepidation, but something in us drove us to community and fellowship. My desire was to fill social media with art to help with the constant deluge of news... Continue Reading →


Ever since I grew to adulthood, I hear the echoes of everyone who told me, "That's not real. That's a fantasy." Most of the time, I silence them With a wave of the hand, And maybe a deep breath, But then, Sometimes, a wave of grief comes, My heart begins to ask, "Were they right?... Continue Reading →


Have you ever felt so much pleasure that you thought your entire body might explode? Have you ever stopped being intimate because you were afraid you might not be able to handle what was coming? Have you ever submitted completely only to be racked by a painful pleasure that just won't stop? If you haven't,... Continue Reading →


It's crazy to me how promptly my psyche starts to sabotage any amount of success I experience. I self-published a book last night, and almost immediately the chorus began. "You just self-published, that doesn't mean anything, no one will ever read it anyway." I even started feeling like I was ripping people off who decided... Continue Reading →

Motherhood DID Ruin My Life

I keep seeing all these posts from other women that are supposed to be jabs at "the liberals" for talking about how miserable having lots of kids makes them.(I know I know Stereotype but it's not my stereotype it's theirs!) Instead it just makes me feel like they are showing off how awesome their life... Continue Reading →

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